My Style

I have been retired for ten months now and painting just about every day. I am doing a lot of artistic exploring - reading about painting techniques, taking online and in-person classes, and soaking everything in by spending Thursday afternoons painting with other artists. (I’ve learned the most just by listening to what other artists talk about.) I’ve tried using oil paint for the first time, explored more with using acrylics on raw canvas, made acrylic skins for use in my work, learned how to paint and mix color using only the primaries, painted a few landscapes, and honed my skills on painting florals. Wow! I am so excited about making up for my earlier lack of artistic focus and just spending time learning. What is my style? I don’t know and I am not ready to commit. This is too much fun!

“Well Hej2” - Acrylic on Raw Canvas

“Deerfield” - Oil

“Wistful” - Acrylic Skins

“The Bouquet” - Acrylic