Local Scene - Towd Point

This painting was inspired by the sense of community at Towd Point. It is a very beachy area surrounded by creeks, harbors, and bays. Residents bring their kayaks and canoes down to the launch area and I captured them leaning against a telephone pole.

Towd Point - 20” x 16” acrylic on primed canvas

This painting sold from a post on instagram. Many thanks DH!

Painted Pear

Taking a workshop with Sue Riger — The Painted Pear. I am learning ALOT, including how to paint over a collage (photo below) and how to paint with a palette knife — the palette knife is not easy!


Six Days

Wow! Six days to retirement. Thank you to my friends for the perfect send off!

Retirement Plans

After 38 years of working full time, most recently as a project manager, I am looking forward to putting the plans in place for my retirement, spending more time with my family, and exploring art. Can’t wait!

Photo with my daughter

Thank you Wyanne!

I have been taking classes with Wyanne (wyanne.net) and exploring new techniques, including using acrylic skins and painting with fluids on raw canvas. Her classes are recorded and online with a live Zoom session once per month. Thank you Wyanne! I am learning so much. What an inspiration!

Getting close to finishing this one using acrylic skins!

Getting close to finishing this one using acrylic skins!


Fluids on Raw Canvas

Work in progress


I am having fun exploring painting with fluids. I am using watercolor in interesting ways and combining it with alcohol ink and fluid acrylics!


For the last 36 years, I have worked full time to provide a good life for my family and to fulfill my career aspirations. Art has always been a part of my life but usually something that I pursued on rare occasions. I likely averaged about one piece of art per year (or less) for a very long time.

In 2018, I realized that I was making the decisions about my priorities and that if I wanted art to take a more significant role, I would need to act. (Also, the NY Mets were struggling.) I gave up on the Mets and instead traded the time I would normally spend watching baseball and promised myself that I would do something artistic every day. The results of that change in priorities are the works in my Current Works Gallery.